Nuclear Chemistry

Radioactivity MCQs with Answers

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Radioactivity is the phenomenon where unstable atomic nuclei spontaneously emit radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves. This process, known as radioactive decay, results in the transformation of the unstable nucleus into a more stable configuration over time.

In a radioactivity quiz, MCQs on radioactivity typically cover topics such as the types of radioactive decay (alpha, beta, gamma), their properties, and the factors that influence decay rates. Nuclear decay multiple choice questions explore concepts such as half-life—the time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay—and the implications of decay processes for radiometric dating and medical applications.

Alpha, beta, gamma radiation MCQs focus on the characteristics, penetration power, and biological effects of each type of radiation, highlighting safety protocols and shielding techniques used in radiation protection.

Radiation detection exam questions challenge students to apply their knowledge of radiation detection technologies, such as Geiger-Muller counters and scintillation detectors, to measure and monitor radioactive emissions accurately.

Radioisotopes MCQs delve into the uses of radioactive isotopes in various fields, including medicine (radiopharmaceuticals), industry (radiation sterilization), and research (tracer studies), emphasizing their role in advancing scientific knowledge and technological innovation.

Radioactivity Online Quiz

By presenting 3 options to choose from, Radioactivity Quiz which cover a wide range of topics and levels of difficulty, making them adaptable to various learning objectives and preferences. You will have to read all the given answers of Radioactivity Questions and Answers and click over the correct answer.

  • Test Name: Radioactivity MCQ Quiz Practice
  • Type: Quiz Test
  • Total Questions: 40
  • Total Marks: 40
  • Time: 40 minutes

Note: Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start the test. Practice each quiz test at least 3 times if you want to secure High Marks. Once you are finished, click the View Results button. If any answer looks wrong to you in Quiz, simply click on question and comment below that question, so that we can update the answer in the quiz section.

Radioactivity MCQs


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1 / 40

What is the principle behind carbon dating?

2 / 40

What isotope is used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism?

3 / 40

What is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy?

4 / 40

What is an example of a non-ionizing radiation?

5 / 40

What is the effect of radiation on living cells?

6 / 40

Who discovered radioactivity?

7 / 40

Which radioactive element is commonly used in cancer treatment?

8 / 40

What does the term "beta decay" refer to?

9 / 40

What is the main hazard of exposure to high levels of radon gas?

10 / 40

Which type of radiation has the greatest penetrating power?

11 / 40

What is the most common isotope of uranium used in nuclear reactors?

12 / 40

Which radiation detection device uses a scintillating material?

13 / 40

What is a "dirty bomb"?

14 / 40

Which type of radiation can penetrate the skin but not dense materials like lead?

15 / 40

What isotope is used in PET scans?

16 / 40

Which radiation is most dangerous to humans if ingested or inhaled?

17 / 40

Which element did Marie Curie discover?

18 / 40

What is the primary byproduct of nuclear fission in a reactor?

19 / 40

Which particle is emitted during alpha decay?

20 / 40

What is radium's most stable isotope?

21 / 40

What is the term for materials that spontaneously emit radiation?

22 / 40

What happens to the atomic number of an element during beta decay?

23 / 40

Which element is commonly associated with alpha radiation?

24 / 40

What element undergoes beta decay to become lead-210?

25 / 40

How does radiation therapy work in treating cancer?

26 / 40

What device is used to measure ionizing radiation?

27 / 40

What is the half-life of a radioactive substance?

28 / 40

What is a radioactive isotope?

29 / 40

What is the key property of a radioactive material used in dating ancient artifacts?

30 / 40

What is a common unit of radioactivity?

31 / 40

Which type of radiation can be stopped by a sheet of paper?

32 / 40

What element is used in smoke detectors?

33 / 40

What type of radiation is a high-energy photon?

34 / 40

What type of radiation is a helium nucleus?

35 / 40

What is the main use of radioactive tracers?

36 / 40

How is the strength of ionizing radiation commonly measured?

37 / 40

What does a Geiger counter measure?

38 / 40

Which radioactive gas is a health hazard in homes?

39 / 40

Which type of radiation is used in X-ray machines?

40 / 40

Which of the following is not a type of ionizing radiation?


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Radioactivity Flashcards

What is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy?

Radioactive decay

Which particle is emitted during alpha decay?

Alpha particle

Which type of radiation has the greatest penetrating power?

Gamma rays

What is a common unit of radioactivity?

Becquerel (Bq)

Which element is commonly associated with alpha radiation?


What type of radiation is a helium nucleus?

Alpha particle

Who discovered radioactivity?

Henri Becquerel

What is the half-life of a radioactive substance?

Time for half to decay

Which element did Marie Curie discover?


What does a Geiger counter measure?


Which type of radiation can be stopped by a sheet of paper?

Alpha particles

What does the term "beta decay" refer to?

Emission of electrons

What type of radiation is a high-energy photon?

Gamma ray

What is the main use of radioactive tracers?

Medical diagnosis

Which radiation is most dangerous to humans if ingested or inhaled?

Alpha particles

What element is used in smoke detectors?


Which radioactive element is commonly used in cancer treatment?


What is the effect of radiation on living cells?

Damages DNA

What is the principle behind carbon dating?

Radioactive decay of C-14

What is the most common isotope of uranium used in nuclear reactors?


Which of the following is not a type of ionizing radiation?

Ultraviolet light

What is the primary byproduct of nuclear fission in a reactor?


What is a radioactive isotope?

Isotope that decays

What device is used to measure ionizing radiation?

Geiger-Muller counter

Which type of radiation is used in X-ray machines?


What happens to the atomic number of an element during beta decay?

Increases by 1

Which radioactive gas is a health hazard in homes?


What is radium's most stable isotope?


What element undergoes beta decay to become lead-210?


Which radiation detection device uses a scintillating material?

Scintillation counter

What is the key property of a radioactive material used in dating ancient artifacts?

Known half-life

What isotope is used in PET scans?


What is an example of a non-ionizing radiation?

Radio waves

How does radiation therapy work in treating cancer?

Damages cancer cells' DNA

What is the main hazard of exposure to high levels of radon gas?

Lung cancer

Which type of radiation can penetrate the skin but not dense materials like lead?

Beta particles

What is the term for materials that spontaneously emit radiation?


What is a "dirty bomb"?

Radiological dispersal device

What isotope is used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism?


How is the strength of ionizing radiation commonly measured?

Sieverts (Sv)

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